Adulting on the Spectrum Free Life Skills Worksheets

Our free life skills worksheets are designed with accessibility in mind, featuring clear language, visual supports, and step-by-step instructions to accommodate diverse learning styles. These worksheets can be utilized by individuals, parents, educators, and therapists as part of a comprehensive life skills curriculum or as standalone aids.

Free money math life skills worksheet for reading a restaurant menu and calculating the cost of a meal.

Free money math life skills worksheet for calculating the cost of multiple food items while grocery shopping.

Free money math life skills worksheet for calculating the cost of multiple items of clothes while shopping.

Free social and life skills worksheet for how to dress for spring and summer.

Free life skills worksheet for how to dress for social and professional occasions.

Free social and life skills worksheet for how to dress for fall and winter.

Free job skills worksheet and checklist for the first day of work.

25 free conversation starters for social and professional occasions

Free Life Path template for adults with intellectual and developmental disability.

Whether you’re looking to build on existing skills or starting from the ground up, our free worksheets provide a valuable foundation for personal development and independence. Explore our collection today and take the first step towards a more autonomous and fulfilling life. These worksheets can be utilized by individuals, parents, educators, and therapists as part of a comprehensive life skills curriculum or as standalone aids.